
Symptoms of high functioning autism in women

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Hey, I'm a newly diagnosed autistic adult, and I know how important it is to seek diagnosis as early as possible. You may be wondering if you have autism. This is a checklist but by no means a diagnosis. This is my personal experience with autism. I'm only sharing my symptoms. 

Social differences
  • Object permanence
This means when you can't see an object, in your mind it doesn't exist. This can't result in things like forgetting your way home even though you've walked that way so many times, forgetting what you've came in the room for, forgetting things that you should be able to remember. 
  • Dislike of physical contact
You could dislike things like shaking people's hands and hugging people
  • Dislike eye contact
You could find it difficult to look strangers in the eyes
  • Understanding jokes
You could be the last one to understand a joke
  • Understanding sarcasm
You could take sarcasm literally 
  • Overusing sarcasm
When you first understand sarcasm, you could over use it
  • Enjoy leading a game
When you were younger, you may only want to play your games and no one else's, this is because you have very regid likes and it stems from the need of sameness
  • Hating change
Change makes you panic or lose sight of everything else, all you can think about is the change
  • Analyse the meaning of life
You may constantly analyse the meaning of life  
  • A great writer
You may be really into writing, especially explaining yourself as you have trouble understanding others so you like to make it easier for others to understand you
  • Naive
You could believe people too much, giving too many second chances
  • Trouble lying
Really dislike lying it just makes you feel wrong and uncomfortable
  • Feeling like you're from another planet
You just don't feel like you fit in
  • Staring into space a lot
  • You mention inappropriate things and over share too much 
  • Very organised and tidy
  • You only have a few friends
  • Hate it when someone mentions something bad that has happened
  • Over emotional when listening to music, especially if it's loud
  • You have OCD
  • You have anxiety disorder
  • You have depression 
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Underactive thyroid
Sensory differences
  • You're easily startled 
  • Hate loud noises
  • Play with your hair a lot
  • Hate wet skin
  • Fidget a lot
  • Bite your nails
  • Move your feet up and down 
  • Liked spinning a lot as a child
  • Flap your hands after a bath so your partner will pass you the towel
  • Itching even though you're not itchy
  • Have trouble telling if the water is running cold or hot
  • Burning feet sensation when you get into the bath
Special interests
  • Interested in aliens
  • Interested in time travel
  • Interested in the Mandela effect
  • Interested in coding

These are the only things I can think of from the top of my head at the moment, but I will add more when I can think of more to add. I hope this helps somebody realise you're not strange, that you just have autism. Take care. 


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